There are two ways to explore your motive (question or theme) for approaching me: a session or a workshop.
Generally speaking: in a reading session I will tell you what your aura is showing me; in a workshop you’ll go into nature yourself, searching for answers. A healing session on the other hand is less about answers and more about the flow (relaxation or indeed revitalization) of the energy field.
You yourself chose which path is best for you, or which you most feel like trying at the time.
Each naturally complements the other perfectly.
Here are some examples others have come to me with, for themselves or their animal.
sessions with people
Am I still with the right partner?
Where does my eczema come from;
What is my greatest strength;
Why do I keep dreaming about my great-grandmother;
How can I show my individuality in my team;
How am I doing;
Why did I do so poorly in my exams;
What would improve my sleep;
Do I need to move house;
Which direction do I want my life to go in;
The balance is lost, in me and in the world, I want to find it back;
What subconscious mechanism is causing my eating behavior;
Why do I put things off so often;
How can I work together with colleagues who drain my energy;
I want to be in tune with myself;
How can I live life with more joy;
sessions with animals
Why doesn’t my animal eat anymore;
What do those blisters on his legs mean;
The vet wants to put my animal to sleep, does my animal want that too;
Why is my animal aggressive towards others;
What does the animal that keeps coming into my yard want to tell me;
Why does my animal always stop on the threshold of the room;
Does my animal trust me;
My animal is so withdrawn lately, why is that;